Monday 9 May 2011

Wotnot and National AGM

A keen group of fundraisers, referred to in Cornwall as Wotnotters, trekked the four peaks (Brown Willy, Snowdon, Ben Nevis and Scafell Pike) last week in aid of Cornwall Air Ambulance and Precious Lives Appeal. Huge congratulations go to our members; Ed Humber, Jonny Shute, Steve Butter, Mel Kuhlmann, Leanne Gynn and Fiona Ham. Unfortunately Charlotte Parker missed out as a result of breaking her big toe the week before.

The Wotnotters ended their week at Blackpool, where they met up with hundreds of members from all over England and Wales for the Annual General Meeting and entertainments final. The weekend saw song titles coming alive as fancy dress costumes, Matt Baker (from Countryfile and The One Show) who was elected as President of National YFC, thus taking the place of Lionel Hill and on top of this, our own county organiser Gerald Haines being voted as being an honorary life member. What a legend! The weekend drew to a close with the entertainments final. Following months and months of rehearsals and with an outstanding performance of 'Its Not An Albatross', Cornwall's cabaret team were placed a well-deserved second. Congratulations to all 95 Cornish members, who have had endless amounts of fun and worked with such energy and professionalism together as a team. Special thanks to Mike Meer (producer) and his team.

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